Our ORTO software runs on any windows PC or server. It communicates with the process being optimised using OPC. For example, ORTO can be installed on an application server located at level 3 on a SCADA / DCS network.
Once you have ORTO installed and communicating with your SCADA or DCS:
Obviously, the time taken to prepare, build and commission an optimisation scheme varies depending on how complex your scheme is. However, as this illustration shows, we are confident that using ORTO will reduce the time taken from 'concept' to 'benefits achieved' by at least 70%, compared with traditional approaches.
ORTO simplifies designing, building, commissioning and then maintaining an optimisation scheme.
Consequently, your ROI is accelerated, increased and maintained.
"If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got" [Albert Einstein]
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